The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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This document contains brief tutorials on some physical and mathematical
concepts you may find helpful in understanding the AMS. A more general and
complete source of information on these topics can be found in any elementary
physics text. Topics include:
Newton's Law
Orbital Parameters
Perilune/Apolune Adjustments
Plane Change Maneuvers
A vector is a shorthand way to represent a quantity that ┌──────────────────┐
has both a magnitude and a direction, e.g., a velocity of │VECTOR NOTATION: │
5m/s toward the north. A vector is written as a symbol │ v <=> {i,j,k} │
with a "~" underneath and corresponds to an ordered │ ~ │
triplet of real numbers, each of which gives the magnitude │ w <=> {x,y,z} │
of the vector in one of three orthogonal directions, │ ~ │
e.g., {east,north,up}. └──────────────────┘
Operations involving vectors include addition and ┌─────────────────────────┐
subtraction, multiplication by a scalar, the dot │VECTOR ADDITION │
product, and the cross product. │ /SUBTRACTION: │
│ v ± w = {i±x,j±y,k±z} │
Addition/Subtraction: The sum (difference) of two │ ~ ~ │
vectors is the sum (difference) of their └─────────────────────────┘
components. ┌───────────────────────┐
Scalar Multiplication: Multiplication of a vector by │ b·v = {bi,bj,bk} │
a scalar changes its magnitude by multiplying each of │ ~ │
its components. └───────────────────────┘
Vectors (continued)
Dot Product: The dot (or scalar) product is found by ┌──────────────────────┐
summing the products of corresponding components. The │DOT (SCALAR) PRODUCT: │
result can also be written as the product of the │ v · w = ix+jy+kz │
magnitudes of the two vectors times the cosine of the │ ~ ~ = v·w·cos(Θ) │
angle between them. Two vectors at right angles to └──────────────────────┘
one another have a dot product of zero, since ┌──────────────────────┐
cos(90°) = 0. The magnitude of a vector is equal to │VECTOR MAGNITUDE: │
the square root of the dot product of a vector with │ v = sqrt(v·v) │
itself. A unit vector has a magnitude of one. Body │ ~ ~ │
axes are sets of three orthogonal unit vectors │ = sqrt(i²+j²+k²) │
{face,left,up} used to define the orientation of the └──────────────────────┘
OL, LV, UN, HB, MB, RV, and PLSS. The OL up axis points north, ┌─────────────┐
the left axis points toward the Earth, and the face axis is │UNIT VECTOR: │
perpendicular to the other two. Body axes for the LV, UN, MB, │ u · u = 1 │
RV, and PLSS are referenced to the pilot. The HB faces east │ ~ ~ │
with the left axis pointing north. The LV main engines are └─────────────┘
located below the pilot in the LV so that, when ignited, the LV is accelerated
in the direction of the pilot's head.
Vectors (continued)
Cross Product: The cross product of two ┌───────────────────────────────┐
vectors is another vector perpendicular to │CROSS PRODUCT: │
the plane formed by the two vectors. The │ v x w = {jz-ky,kx-iz,iy-jx} │
result can also be written as the product of │ ~ ~ = v·w·sin(Θ) u │
the magnitudes of the two vectors times the │ ~ │
sine of the angle between them. The └───────────────────────────────┘
direction of the resulting vector can be established using a right-hand rule.
The orthogonality of the cross product to one of its constituents is
demonstrated as an example of vector manipulation:
v · ( v x w ) = {i,j,k} · {jz-ky,kx-iz,iy-jx}
~ ~ ~ = ijz - iyk + xjk - ijz + iyk - xjk
= 0 .
Newton's Law
Newton's Law states that the acceleration of an object "a" is ┌──────────────┐
proportional to the applied force "F" and inversely │NEWTON'S LAW: │
proportional to its mass "m". Forces acting on the LV include │ a = F / m │
gravity, main engines, and RCS thrusters. For example, a │ ~ ~ │
fully loaded LV has a mass of 17,744kg and the RCS thrusters └──────────────┘
at medium throttle have a thrust of 197nt. The resulting acceleration is
0.0111 m/s².
The acceleration due to gravity is independent of the ┌──────────────────┐
mass of the object. It is directed toward the center of │GRAVITATION: │
the moon and inversely proportional to the square of the │ g = - G r / r^3 │
distance to the center of the moon. The magnitude of the │ ~ ~ │
gravitational acceleration at the surface of the moon is │ G = 4.9075x10^12 │
given by └──────────────────┘
g = - G / R² = - (4.9075x10^12) / (1738300)² = -1.624 m/s² .
where "R" is the lunar radius and the symbol "^" means "raised to the power".
Orbital Parameters
Important orbital parameters include angular momentum, energy, perilune,
apolune, and orbit period.
Angular Momentum: The angular momentum "L" is a constant of motion, given by
L / m = v x r ,
~ ~ ~
where "m" is the mass, "v" is the velocity, and "r" is the position relative
to the moon of the spacecraft. The direction of the angular momentum vector
can be displayed on the INS display.
Energy: The total energy of a spacecraft "E", another constant of motion, is
the sum of kinetic and potential energies:
E / m = v² / 2 - G / r .
If the total energy is less than zero, the spacecraft is in a closed,
elliptical orbit. If the energy is greater than zero, the spacecraft is in a
hyperbolic orbit and will eventually escape the moon. If the energy equals
zero, the spacecraft is in a parabolic escape trajectory.
Orbital Parameters (continued)
Perilune/Apolune: Assuming that the spacecraft is in a closed elliptical
orbit, the eccentricity and semimajor axis of the ellipse are
e = sqrt [ 1 + 2 (E/m) (L/m)² / G² ] and
s = - G / (2E/m) ,
respectively. The perilune and apolune are given by
{ perilune / apolune } = s ( 1 ± e ) - R ,
where "+" gives the apolune and "-" gives the perilune.
Period: The orbital period is found from
T = sqrt [ 4 π² s^3 / G ] .
Orbital Parameters (continued)
Circular Orbits: For the case of a circular orbit, the magnitude of the
velocity is related to the distance to the center of the moon. In order to
maintain constant altitude, the gravitational force must exactly balance the
centrifugal acceleration, i.e.,
G / s² = v² / s => v = sqrt [ G / s ] .
For example, a 150km circular orbit implies a velocity magnitude of 1612.1m/s.
The orbital period is 7360s for the same orbit.
Perilune/Apolune Adjustments
The velocity change required to raise or lower the perilune or apolune can be
approximated using the Orbital Parameters discussion. Using the equation
s = - G / (2E/m) = R + P/2 + A/2 ,
where "P" is the perilune and "A" is the apolune, perilune and apolune changes
can be found by differentiation:
ds 1 dP 1 dA G d 1 G d(E/m) Gv
── = ─ ── = ─ ── = - ─ ── (───) = ─────── ────── = ────── .
dv 2 dv 2 dv 2 dv E/m 2(E/m)² dv 2(E/m)²
dP dA Gv
── = ── = ───── .
dv dv (E/m)²
For example, at DOI in a 150km circular orbit, v = 1612.1m/s and
E/m = -1334223(m/s)² so that dP/dv = 4444s. A 1m/s velocity change results
in a 4.4km change in perilune. A 130km change requires about 30m/s.
Plane Change Maneuvers
The velocity change required to modify the orbital plane can also be
approximated using the Orbital Parameters discussion. The magnitude of the
angular momentum for a spacecraft in a circular orbit is
L / m = v r = sqrt [ G r ] .
The torque "N" applied by a main engine or RCS burn with thrust "T" at right
angles to the orbital plane adds a component perpendicular to the angular
momentum vector with magnitude
────── = (N/m) = (T/m) r = a r ,
where "a" is the acceleration of the spacecraft due to the applied thrust.
Both sides can be divided by the acceleration, and the expression "a dt" can
be replaced by "dv" so that
────── = r .
Plane Change Maneuvers (continued)
The angular change (in radians) can be approximated by dividing both sides by
(L/m) = sqrt[Gr],
dΦ 1
── = sqrt [ r / G ] = ─ .
dv v
where "v" is the circular orbit velocity magnitude. For example, a 1m/s
velocity change in a 150km orbit results in an angular change of 0.62
milliradians or 0.036°. A 1° angle change requires a velocity change of about